Wednesday 23 July 2014

Feeling homesick

Go Glasgow!

My day starts well... a phone call from the doctors to tell me that I have an infection in my gut and need to call to collect a prescription to sort it, and this is good news?! Absolutely it is, after over a year of various non medically recognised suggestions as to what might be wrong with me, and several different courses of 'lavender' pills (although actually they were garlic and cinnamon) finally I have something that has a name, and is treatable with real pills - sisterofmarthongirl750 will be so pleased! No more mumbo jumbo (at least for the time being).

My trip to the hospital this afternoon to have my ear looked at is less conclusive. An ear test to confirm what I already knew (that I can't hear out of it), a quick look inside which thankfully didn't result in any comment as to why it might be be singed (following my self medicating with hot olive oil) a prescription for five days worth of steroids and a place on the waiting list for an MRI scan.

And just in case I haven't learnt my lesson in patience yet the two sets of medication can't be taken together! So it's ear first and I'll have to wait a little longer for my hopefully slightly less distended stomach!

A much needed blank card delivery has arrived by the time I'm back from the hospital and I am half way through a commission for thank you cards, when I receive MY FIRST ETSY ORDER for fifteen cards! (Thank you!) This news makes me rush up to C's room to deliver the good news with the I've just sold on Etsy dance (clearly made his day as much as it did mine!) but I can't help wishing I'd spent more time getting the cards ready to assemble instead wasting so much time in the past few days worrying about whether or not any would sell, my evening suddenly got very busy!

Not least because it's the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games from Glasgow. I am so homesick and can't help but wish I was sat next to my sister in Celtic Park. I have failed miserably to keep up to date with the Tour de France and am hoping to do better with the games, but Al went on holiday today and I'm not sure it's going to be the same watching without him. GO GLASGOW!

M - 657
HM - 213
Total Distance covered  156.6 miles

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