Monday 14 July 2014

The number of the beast...

Can this still be real or just some crazy dream?!

Operation Get Fit has not got off to the best of starts. I was just so sleepy when I got up this morning that the thought of putting myself through my squats and glute activation exercises was almost enough to send me back to bed. In the end I did manage to get up (but only because there were dogs waiting for me) and promised myself I would do my exercises later in the day - but it never works out like that...  I don't know why I pretend to myself that it will!

My ankles are bad again and yet I haven't found time today to get the foam roller out, although I have found the link that I was talking about yesterday so at least have a better idea of what I should be doing (I like this article over others I've seen because the woman actually looks like it might be hurting and her look of concentration gives the impression that she's finding these exercises quite hard - the woman from Runners World on the other hand has a level of fitness that I couldn't even aspire to and certainly not on the miniscule number of repetitions that I seem to be managing!).

I did surprise myself by getting some squats done this afternoon although I still can't shake the feeling that if I lie down to do the other exercises I won't get back up again! My diaphragm release exercises are (as I said yesterday) rather strange and involve jabbing yourself under the ribs - which was a little uncomfortable with long finger nails but at least they are done sitting down, I think it might be time for a manicure (as in me with a nail file, not the luxury of a salon!).

The thing is, I don't know when it is really going to sink in that this is my reality now, and if I want to get myself into a position where I am able to run (and not even just the longer distances) then I am going to have to put the ground work in at home, every day whether I've the energy to or not. If I can't find the discipline from somewhere then I am going to find this harder than it already is going to be!

Meanwhile whilst taking C and his friend to where the group from the last couple of weeks were meeting to discuss the next part of their project, I found myself offering up my house as their Team Headquarters, as we live the nearest to where they are planning to do their community project. Quite what I was thinking I don't know, because I have no concept of what fifteen teenagers in our house is going to be like (I have visions of me and the two dogs taking refuge upstairs, and all sitting cowering on the bed together waiting for them to go out again!).

But perhaps if we are trapped upstairs with nothing else to do, I might get on with my exercises!

M - 666
HM - 223
Total Distance covered  150.4 miles

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