Monday 28 July 2014

The wanderer returns

Not been the same here without you!

Al's home and it's lovely to see him - it was a long drive up for him from the South of England and a long day for those of us at home waiting, but plenty to do to fill the time...

First up there's an injured crow in the garden to deal with which isn't easy with a gun dog and a killer Jack Russell in the house, especially when all they want to do is not be in the house! A call to the RSPCA and for whilst I am put on the job list for the day, they would prefer it if I caught it and took it to the vets. I can't do this. Birds are fine in the sky, and at a safe distance but there is no way I could pick it up... thankfully I remember that my next door but one neighbour will a) probably be up at 8 am and b) able to deal with it for me. Caught, boxed and taken to the vets where on inspection they decide it is too badly injured to treat, it is a strange start to the day.

Not too much time to dwell however, I have a house to tidy and things to sort, all to make it look like I've done a much better job of staying on top of things whilst Al's been away than he does when I go! (Although admittedly this may have the effect of making him think he can go away more often rather than try harder when I do!). Whatever, I decided that the piles of clothes on the top landing are on the hit list and C and I head off to the delight of the clothes exchange.  It's closed, despite saying on the door (and internet) that it should be open, not to worry we live in such a lovely place that there is another one less than a mile away, so we went there instead.  I know that they ask for resalable clothes, but clearly everyone tries to hide some real rubbish half way down the bag because the lady at this one tells me that she is going to unpack and inspect every item from each of my eight bags. There was no way that I am going to stand there having someone fish out the horrors that I've hidden in front of me, so I mumbled something about not having time and stuff it all back in the car.  I am tempted to take it to a charity shop and donate the £6 per 10kg myself, but Al convinces me to try again at the first place tomorrow - think he's just legged himself with the job!

The boys who have been playing on the X-box downstairs over the past few days - supposedly to keep me company! - have retreated back upstairs and finally I get to watch some of the Commonwealth Games! I love watching athletics, and am feeling a particular unity with any comrade sporting any style of strapping!

Huge well done to Libby Clegg and Mikail Huggins winning Gold for Scotland in the T12 100 metres, to be able to run that fast whilst having to put your trust in your guide runner and in yourself to know what you can do and just go for it was amazing to watch. Not sure we'll cross the finish line in Brighton in such symmetrical style halfmarathongirl but will be good to be there together! Sisterofmarathongirl750 if we can't persuade you to run with us, which I fully understand, we will be there for you in spirit - as long as you imagine us sprinting along side you to the finish line with such graceful harmony as was witnessed this evening!

M - 652
HM - 208
Total Distance covered  159.7 miles

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