Tuesday 8 July 2014

Ups and Downs

But not a cry for help yet!

Had a good day today - right up to the part when I went for a run and then it all just seemed to unravel a bit!

Halfmarathongirl and (with her open day coming up this weekend) Gardengirl are here for lunch, the red pesto risotto with caramelised onions (or Risotto 368 if like Fellow Parkrunner you're a Leith's Vegetarian Bible cook) is a hit and far more exciting than my usual efforts at lunchtime! Lunch stretches into the majority of the afternoon and makes a nice change of pace after the past few days.

It doesn't last long however, and once they've gone it's back to rushing round and psyching myself up to go for a run. I wouldn't have gone today except for the fact that I made a commitment with the Biomechanics Man to run four times before I see him again and to leave forty eight hours between my last run and my appointment with him, as this is on Thursday today is my last chance to stick to that plan.

It starts off OK, and I decide about a third of the way in to run a slightly different route because it will nudge the distance up ever so slightly and might make me feel like I'm making progress, having become a little disheartened on this front recently.  Not long after this slight change of course I am overtaken by another runner. This is never a good feeling, especially when Little Miss Speedy has a rather pronounced knock kneed running style - she'll learn (admittedly in about another twenty years or so when she reaches her forties!) but for today she makes me feel old and question why I am putting myself through this.

It is a long mile and half home once the seeds of doubt have been sown. The Biomechanics Man (having looked at those hideous finisher photo's from Edinburgh) has pointed out that I run with very tense shoulders. I have really been trying to address this, so why I end up with acute pins and needles in both hands this afternoon and then along the outside edge of my right foot once I've stopped is something I'll have to talk to him about, but for today just added to my misery.

There was a point, coming along the home straight where I would have happily hung up my running shoes and never run again... but I can't. I strongly advise anyone who is contemplating taking on a challenge to get your support network on board from an early stage, because day's like this will happen and when I needed something to think about to keep me going I was able to think about the fact that there is now a whole Team Marathongirl out there that I can't let down. From those who read this, to those who've bought cards, to people who've taken the time to find words of support, or come to my house for afternoon tea, to Gardengirl organising an event on my behalf - this is no longer just about me, or raising money for Barnardo's, this is about all of us and what we can achieve together, just so long as I can get my legs to run!

M - 672
Distance covered                 4 miles
Total distance covered  147.3 miles


  1. Who cares if someone overtakes you ... it's a journey not a race ... well OK it will be a race, but for now enjoy the journey and stop beating yourself up !! We are all behind you and feel your pain, but easy does it ... xxxx

  2. Thanks sis - am perfectly happy to be overtaken as long as they look the part! When someone with a decidedly questionable running style flies by it makes me wonder a) how can they do that (in this case youth!) and b) what on earth I must look like!! ;)
