Monday 7 July 2014


It's a part of Hope 

(for any Boothby Graffoe fans amongt you)

I have had a blocked ear since Saturday, and suffering from tinnitus as a result (but at least it's where it should be this time!). It is driving me nuts and I am going to have to take action to try to clear it, just as soon as I can find time - it's been another busy day.

I knew yesterday that this morning was going to be different to my usual Monday and I had a lot to get through, so I spent some of the time sat in the car last night writing my to do list and working out which order I was going to do things in.

I am relatively proud of myself for a) writing the list and b) sticking to it! By lunchtime I am over half way through and enjoying my dog walk around the park when Al rings. I have completely forgotten that he had his teaching observation this morning and feel dreadful about it. I can't pretend that I haven't heard him tell me, putting the blame on my poorly ear, because we both know that I did hear but that the information hasn't stuck. So instead of feeling good about being focused and absorbed in what I'm doing, I feel rubbish that I was only interested in what I had to do, and just awful that he went off to work this morning without so much as a glimmer of recognition from me for the day ahead of him.

I can't however afford the time to dwell on it as I have cards to make this afternoon in preparation for Sunday's Open Garden at my friends, and H needs taking into Leeds for a drama lesson (the dogs enjoy a trip out in the car so I take them with us when we go). We haven't long left when Al gets home to a completely empty house (which is practically unheard of) and has to ring to find out where I am, and in that instant I am vindicated! What a relief that not paying attention to what the other's day involves is a mutual part of our relationship!

I did look up how to unblock an ear earlier and amongst the plethora of weird and wonderful suggestions are two which catch my eye... the first is putting my head on one side (poorly ear facing down) and hopping to try to get gravity to work it's magic (it doesn't) or my most favourite which is to lie on the bed (bad ear down again) and stay there for at least half an hour to give gravity a chance - sounds like the ideal excuse for an early night!

M - 673
Total distance covered  143.3 miles

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