Wednesday 16 July 2014

On the mend

Fingers crossed!

There was no way that I could have written my blog last night and I made the right decision in delaying it until this morning. I went to bed relatively early, slept through both my phone receiving a text from H at midnight and the alarm this morning which I think constitutes a good night's sleep!

The only trouble is that it left me playing catch up for most of the day. A bit like leaving the washing up until the morning, you end up starting the day off by finishing yesterday and it just isn't right somehow, but some days that's just the way it is. Needless to say today never seemed to get going and all I can hope for is a more productive day tomorrow - but I've just arranged to see Halfmarathongirl for lunch so I'm not sure productive is really going to describe it!  But then again we've training schedules to discuss and plans to make so perhaps it will be after all! (Which I'm somewhat looking forward to safe in the knowledge, not quite a week out of surgery, HM's been told not to run for six weeks so we won't actually have to put any of it into practice until the end of August!).

My feet are doing remarkably well to say that I ran on them yesterday and walked four miles today - so much so that I might even attempt the full compliment of my exercise programme this evening and not just the bits that I (and I use the term loosely) like! Whether this is me just getting used to my ankles aching or a sign that I'm getting better remains to be seen sisterofmarthongirl750, but I will try and look on the bright side and believe that I am actually on the mend, about time on both counts!

M - 664
HM - 220
Total Distance covered  153.5 miles

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