Wednesday 30 July 2014

Feeling poorly

but I'm my own worst enemy

Sometimes things happen and you don't realise until later that it was all for the best.  I feel like this over last week's disappointment at not being able to start my antibiotics for five days whilst I took the steroids for my ear. If it hadn't been for my ear I would have started taking them last Wednesday which would have meant that I'd have felt like I do tonight whilst at the West Yorkshire Playhouse watching H, and I am incredibly glad that I didn't!

I have the most vile taste in my mouth and just feel rubbish and I'm only two days in to a course of seven. It's all a bit grim and I think I prefer the mumbo jumbo lavender pill approach, but I'm hoping it will all be worth it in the end. I am also holding on to the hope that if it is an infection causing the tinnitus in my ear then the antibiotics might sort it out at the same time.  C is less convinced of this theory, but as I explained to him I don't really want to know if they will or not I just want the glimmer of hope (please don't burst my bubble sisterofmarathongirl750 I know I'm clutching at straws!).

Al has been looking after me and doing anything he can to help, I just wish I knew how to help myself.... for some reason I decide that the best job to tackle today is trying to get my spreadsheet of cards sold to tally with my paper records and I am one card out.  I have checked and checked and checked again but I just can't find the error, and it is driving me to distraction.  I wish I could just fudge the figures, it really makes no difference to anything but I know I won't be able to rest until I've got it to balance and I can't help wishing  I could channel this need for perfection into my training!

Next feet are in! Cape Verde this time - good to see you're recuperating in style Halfmarathongirl make the most of it we've got some miles to start racking up on your return!

Off to see the Biomechanics Man tomorrow, heels are a little sore after yesterday's run - I hope he doesn't tell me it's my shoes!

M - 650
HM - 206
Total Distance covered  162.8 miles

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