Monday 21 July 2014


I've found a Running Man!

I had no idea it was going to be so hard to get my cards to sell online it's making me feel a little naïve and at the same time full of admiration for the people I know who have done it successfully, although perhaps delicious hand made chocolates that melt in your mouth and are possibly the nicest you will ever eat ( are just more enticing than greetings cards! But thank you to everyone who has looked at my Etsy shop today (there's been 31 of you!) and fingers crossed orders will follow in due course meanwhile I will keep reminding myself that patience is a virtue!

There is however exciting news on the running front - I have made an appointment to go and have my running analysed on Friday! The man I'm going to see has been recommended by a client of the Biomechanics Man, and so I'm off to be videoed and analysed and hopefully sorted! I am looking forward to this and have high hopes that it will help get to the bottom of quite what I'm doing wrong that is making running further than 5K an issue, but having just received a generic email from the Biomechanics Man saying that he spent the day filming someone on a treadmill I am wondering what is so wrong with me that I've had to be referred elsewhere? I'm guessing time will tell.

It would be really nice if I can get to the bottom of this in the next few weeks as that would fit nicely into our Plan A of being ready to increase distance by the end of August.

Having looked in more detail at the training plan originally sent through by sisterofmarathongirl750, Halfmarathongirl and I were discussing last week that we thought we might be able to handle one with a slightly faster finishing time, although having received it this morning I'm not so sure!
I mentioned before that what we liked about the original one was it's lack of technical terms and easy to get your head round runs - a short, medium and long run each week, at slow, faster or easy pace. Deduct fifteen minutes off your projected finish time, and suddenly it gets serious... an extra run and additional ten miles per week, and the terminology used changes to speedwork, threshold and fartleking (which means speed play in Swedish but I can't help envisaging turbo boosting your run with the addition of gaseous foods to your diet!).

I haven't spoken to HM yet, but I think I may be sticking to the tortoise plan!

M - 659
HM - 215
Total Distance covered  156.6 miles

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