Wednesday 2 July 2014

Contrary Mary

Just no pleasing some people.

After the mental anguish of yesterday I decided to walk the dogs early so I could come home and relax! I had almost made it around the park unseen when I spotted 'always looking fabulous playgroup mum from yesteryear!' thankfully I managed to duck behind a tree until a safe distance has passed for me to walk behind - in fairness this has less to do with me not wishing to be seen in my ill fitting summer clothes and far more to do with the fact that on our last encounter Sid went for one of her dogs and I trod on the other! But by ten o'clock I am home safe and sound, and by eleven o'clock I'm bored.

C is away until Friday and to date is maintaining radio silence, Al has something on at school this evening and isn't coming home until after it's finished, and H is at school until half four at which point he is home for a couple of hours before heading out again. Having longed for a day to myself for the past two days, now that I get one I don't want it!

I wasn't in much of a mood to do my exercises when I got up this morning, but I remembered that my resistance band was due to arrive so I got them done quickly before I had to take things up a notch - a notch more like a leap! I think they have sent me a (somewhat unattractive) garter by mistake! What is supposed to go round both knees and stretch til I'm standing with my legs hip distance apart, fits around one leg.
Having just about come to terms with the number of squats I'm supposed to be doing on a daily basis I am far from impressed with the idea that I've now to do them whilst trying to keep this band stretched. It's all in an attempt to keep my right knee from caving inward and will help enormously if I can correct this problem, but I'm not quite ready to embrace a 'no pain no gain' ethos.

By way of postponing the inevitable I headed out for my first mid week run in a long time. It was good to be back on the road again. Took it nice and steady, and early prognosis on my ankles is encouraging! At the moment I don't feel any ill effects physically from having run, and mentally it has given me a bit of a lift. (I am however exhausted and this is not evident by the time Al gets in although if he think's this is bad he should have seen me pre run!).

Right, I'm off to spend some time with my husband now that he's home, and then I think there's some ironing that I MUST do this evening, will be such a shame if I run out of time to exercise....

M - 678
Distance covered 3.2 miles
Total distance covered  140 miles

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