Thursday 10 July 2014

Going Round in Circles

and getting nowhere fast!

When I said yesterday that half marathon planning would have to wait until after the weekend, I should have realised that sisterofmarthongirl750 wasn't going to wait that long! By half seven this morning there is a message to say that Brighton is her preferred choice and she has found some training plans, one perfect for the tortoise approach, and by half eleven she has emailed it to me.

This in turn means that Halfmarthongirl is denied even as much as a morning's recuperation and is on board by lunchtime (to be fair I did check to see how she was doing before hitting her with the news!). A further message goes out to Fellow Parkunner early afternoon, and it all's starting to feel quite exciting... when I look on the website and discover it's sold out for standard entry and there are only charity places available.

This then poses me with the dilemma.  Barnardo's don't have places at the Brighton Half and so I would have to commit to raise money for another charity alongside Barnardo's, although the pledge amount is a lot more feasible at around £200, and my sis is still keen to go. Charity places have never been discussed with the others and I am awaiting their response (not meant in any way to pressure either of you!) but it has highlighted the complexities of trying to arrange something when everyone has their own individual reason for wanting to do it in the first place.

For me, I like the idea of Brighton. It is high on my list of where I will run my marathon (if I don't get a place in London) and it would be good to go and get a feel for it. I also love and have very fond memories of being there, but this may change when I'm running rather than strolling along the prom and it's February and windy and wet and cold!

So having spent the majority of the day visualising being there, getting excited about going and thinking that by the end of today we might even have signed up for it, we're back at the drawing board reassessing the options! Watch this space...

In other news the tape is back! But going across my legs this time instead of straight up the sides - I'm viewing this as progress but I'm not sure if I'm not just going round in circles with this too! The Biomechanics Man is in the process of getting a recommendation for a running coach, who will be able to look at me in action and see where it's all going wrong! This can't come soon enough because I can't help feeling that I'm compounding the problem every time I run. In the meantime it's on with the squats - although I have been given a reprieve from the lunges for the time being!

And finally at a little after 8pm I can start doing what I was supposed to be doing today!

M - 670
Total distance covered  147.3 miles

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