Thursday 31 July 2014

Feeling better

but it's not all it seems!

Had a better day today. Appointment with the Biomechanics Man went well this morning. I had forwarded my running video and analysis to him and it was good to go through it together - I did get the right end of the stick and he liked my shoes! The pains that I'm feeling in my left heel are understandable given the change in footwear but doesn't mean that I've bought the wrong thing - phew! I have left without a follow up appointment for the first time - up to me to go and get on with my exercises! Most excitingly however is the fact that I have made it onto his blog, and now know how C feels! It did make me smile however when he refers to running being my 'main sport'! He was either being kind or didn't want to say that running aside I'm a bit of a couch potato!

I leave feeling really positive and decide that I've had enough driving around with twenty five kilograms of old clothes on the back seat of the car and it's time they went.  The local 'shop' is still closed, but I have remembered that there's another place I can try - their rate per kilo is 20 pence less but they don't unpack them in front of you looking for unacceptable items. In the end I decide that I value my self esteem higher than a fiver and leave with £10.16 and my dignity intact. Job done!

Lovely afternoon on the sofa watching the men's time trials from the Commonwealth Games, Glasgow looking good in the sunshine, and feel well enough to go for a run with Al later on.

One of the things that I enjoy about going for a run is that it gives my mind a chance to wander and often get things in order, except that today this is where my day starts to unravel...

I'm running along thinking about feeling better today, when suddenly the reason for this bubbles to the surface, I have no memory of taking my antibiotics this morning, and sure enough when I get home and check they are still in the packet! So no, sisterofmarathongirl750 they haven't cured my ear yet!

M - 649
HM - 205
Distance covered              3.1 miles
Total Distance covered  165.9 miles

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