Wednesday 9 July 2014

The Hare and the Tortoise

Or Team Tortoise perhaps?!

After my wobble yesterday as to whether or not I ever wanted to run again (let alone take on twenty six miles in one go) sisterofmarathongirl750 is quick off the blocks this morning to ensure that my resolve is restored by telling me she is ready to start her half marathon training for next year! And for whilst I'm not quite at that stage, due to my ankles still not being completely mended, it is enough to give me something more immediate to focus on and we spend some of the day messaging each other about training plans and race requirements.

I have a half marathon training schedule that I sent off for when I got my new trainers in October last year, it is supposedly tailored for me and scares me every time I look at it! It's full of phrases that as yet have no meaning to me: threshold effort, Kenyan hills, intervals, and most scarily of all a seventy minute run at the end of week one (this would be close on longer than I have ever run for, 'easy effort' or otherwise!).

My sis offered to have a look and see whether she can find anything more suitable, albeit one for a hare and one for a tortoise... although I have to say I am increasingly becoming of the opinion that I would rather take the tortoise route to half marathon running!

What we can't decide upon is location, she favours one with sufficient spectator support to get us round and I think she may be right, but we don't know which races will meet both that criteria and be early enough in the year that we can use them as much needed motivation now!

We do however agree that the sooner we have made a decision and committed to run the better. I have a feeling that Halfmarathongirl who is this evening recovering from hand surgery will agree, and I'm hoping it might even help fuel her recovery... what can I say we're an odd lot!

So (mentally!) the run side of Team Marathongirl is back on track, but the fundraising side is going to have to take priority for the rest of the week. I had started getting my cards ready to sell on Sunday when Gardengirl very kindly bought eight of them yesterday! I'm certainly not complaining, just going to be a little busier than I thought replacing them in time!

Which leaves the physical side... had a rubbish week for doing my exercises, my ankles ache again after running yesterday, my ear is still ringing, it's affecting my balance and I've been bumping into things all day! Other than that feeling on top of the world!

M - 671
Total distance covered  147.3 miles

PS Happy Birthday C!

1 comment:

  1. Additional course requirements - enough runners such that the likelihood of me being last is extremely slim ! (the occasional fun runner in a huge costume to hamper performance are welcomed !) And it has to be flat :) x
