Thursday 3 July 2014

Not even ET...

... could phone home on my mobile!

My mobile hasn't been working properly for a while now. It's fine except I can't make outgoing calls. I have a new SIM card to put in it, but I haven't found the time to either find out how to copy my SIM contacts onto my phone, or write out my contacts before swapping the cards (which given the level of my IT illiteracy will probably be quicker in the long run!). As I rarely make calls on my mobile this hasn't been too much of an inconvenience but think it's about time this makes it to the top of the 'to do' list!

My friend has trapped her sciatic nerve and can't accompany me on our usual walk, but I offered to take her dog with me, and decide that going somewhere familiar is probably my best bet at getting her to come back to me once I let her off the lead. So I find myself walking alone in the woods, and as I get further and further in and it's a good half hour since I've seen anyone my thoughts turn to my safety. I decide that in all probability there is a very small chance that someone is lying in wait on the off chance that some lone dog walker should pass and that hopefully the dogs would come to my rescue if there was, but perhaps having to text 'Help!' should the need arise is possibly not the best way to secure any! I would kill the boys if they had been this lax about their personal safety and decide that by the end of today I will have sorted my phone (already that might have slipped to 'by the end of tomorrow').

My thoughts then move on to think about my safety whilst running. It's fine at the moment, I'm not running far and generally someone knows which route I've gone, but I may have to give this some further consideration when I'm running further distances, and ultimately will have to consider taking my phone with me. But run with a phone and an ipod? How cumbersome...

Now let me think..... if only there was a solution to this dilemma!

How marvellous would it be if someone had invented a phone that also stored music, or better still could pick up (I think this may be called 'stream') music (at the optimum beats per minute), that could track my run, and also allow me to be tracked (so that Al could nip out in the car and meet me en route with refreshments), that had a personal trainer function (that in all honesty I would lose interest in within the week, but lets not dwell on that for the time being), and of course worked - so that should I need to I could call for help, be it for a blister that I just can't face running on any longer or because the bogey man is coming to get me and I don't have my dogs for protection!

Hmmm I think I might have seen something like this somewhere - oh yes! C has just the thing... which has UP UNTIL THIS WEEK (not that I'm keen to hear from him!) has been a permanent fixture in his hand.

I think what I'm saying is "I want an iphone" but I haven't got the money for one and it's a long time til Christmas...

But wouldn't it be lovely if I'm running far enough by then to warrant one!

M - 677
Total distance covered still 140 miles (but 4 miles walk with the dogs after running yesterday and still no additional ill effects on my ankles!)

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