Friday 25 July 2014

Zola Budd

wasn't such a mad idea to run barefoot after all!

Very interesting time with the Running Man this afternoon and the closest I will ever come to any of the Strictly Come Dancing experience!

For those of you now picturing some sort of sequined outfit and perhaps a quick cha cha cha, you will be very disappointed when I tell you that it was the part of the "It Takes Two" show where one of the professional dancers comes in with video footage from the training sessions and then draws lines on the screen to point out where they are going wrong!

Having never run on a treadmill before I am not impressed with it's relentlessness! Once at the recommended pace it doesn't slow down, but carries on forcing me to maintain the speed for all of the ten minutes that I'm asked to, clearly this is not how I normally run! Then it's time to watch me in slow mo!

Oh dear! Not quite the gazelle of our wishful thinking Halfmarathongirl! My posture is dreadful, my right leg isn't working properly, my arm swing is wrong, and my cadence (number of strides per minute - I think!) is too slow, but on a positive note this is concurrent with what I've found out at the Biomechanics Man!

He also doesn't like my shoes as they are too built up and not allowing me to feel what's going on with my feet and inhibiting my brain from finding a natural footfall. I also have issues with balance and need to work on improving this so I can find that position where I am balanced quickly and then move off again, instead of wobbling about a bit and putting stress on my ankle which is what's happening at the moment. Or at least I think that's what he said - it was a lot to take in and I'm looking forward to the follow up email confirming this to be the case, or correcting me if not!

Errors pointed out it was back on the treadmill barefoot, concentrating on my posture and what a difference! My right leg was loads better and I looked a stone lighter (although he didn't seem to think this was particularly relevant!).

Next dilemma was whether to stop off in Leeds on my way home and get my new shoes which would mean that I didn't have to make a special journey and would have them for tomorrow, but meant going shopping in my running kit! In the end my hatred of shopping won, and hoping that perhaps I didn't look too out of place as most people were in shorts and t-shirts, I hid behind my sunglasses and called in to Skechers A little confused by conflicting advice from the sales assistant I went ahead and made a purchase but have asked for confirmation from the Running Man before I wear them! Why is it all such a minefield?! But hmm Doctor and running specialist or shop assistant - bit of a no brainer really!

Home and exhausted but looking forward to running tomorrow morning! Although there was one piece of advice that I really didn't want to hear... I've to stand up more, sitting isn't good for me or you for that matter, but I can't remember why just that I spend too long sat down which is a shame because right now it's all I want to do! Luckily the tea needs cooking, the garden needs watering and the dogs could do with an evening walk.... sit and watch ANY of the Commonwealth Games I don't think so!

M - 655
HM - 211
Total Distance covered  156.6 miles

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