Thursday 17 July 2014

Plan A is in place

but there's still plenty of time for a Plan B!

Having successfully weaned myself off looking at my blog readership figures on a near hourly basis I have to admit to having replaced it with an obsession about my new Etsy shop stats! C's friend very kindly 'favourited' my shop this morning (and even had an Etsy app on her phone!), but I can tell from the pattern of views that most of them are me!

I spent most of the day in the company of Halfmarathongirl who got treated to the ups and downs of my latest business venture at length and was slightly amused (but not surprised) that I've managed to find something new to beat myself up over! She goes on holiday soon and I think is hoping that I'll have scaled it down from unhealthy obsession to controlled interest by the time she returns!

I did however stop wittering on about it long enough for us to discuss our approach to training for Brighton! The training schedule we have is for twelve weeks and I suggested that I would like to have got through this once before Christmas, this would then leave us enough time to work back over the last few weeks of it again in the New Year before the actual half marathon in Feb.

The long run at the end of the first week is a six miler, and so working back it means that we have to be roughly in this sort of shape by the middle to end of September, which should be doable after HM's running ban is lifted towards the end of August!

It also means that I have about nine weeks to get myself to a point where I am ready to start increasing my distance on a weekly basis, again which should be doable but only if I can maintain my focus and get on with my exercises on a daily basis as opposed to the more ad hoc approach I'm favouring at the moment (did I really say something about a full run through of them last night?!).

School holidays start tomorrow and I am hoping that this will free up a bit of my time so that I can get into a regular routine for doing them, but quite why, when routine escapes me during term time, I think I'm going to rise to the challenge when the rest of the house is in holiday mode I'm not sure!

Part of the whole reason for embarking on this particular journey was to see if I could instigate a change in the way I organise my time and motivate me into action, not surprisingly old habits are proving hard to break!

So with a logic that I hope at least some of you will be able to relate to, I have convinced myself that if I'm showing the universe that I'm really trying hard by doing my exercises like I should, I'll be repaid in kind by sales in my shop! Which I appreciate is a load of old tosh but who cares as long as it makes me pick up that resistance band!

M - 663
HM - 219
Total Distance covered  153.5 miles

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