Sunday 20 July 2014

Bad Day

But getting better....

The boys had both spent yesterday at the British Underwater Hockey Junior National Championships which this year were being held about ten miles away, and last night I got the pleasure of going to pick them up. It was obviously a day for silver medals in our house: mine which was undeserved, C's which was strongly disputed and apparently should have been gold, and H's which was unexpected and therefore the only one which brought genuine pleasure!

Going into the spectators gallery of a swimming pool in this heat would have been bad under normal circumstances but with my tinnitus still ringing in my ear it was close on unbearable and I retreated to the car to wait for them wondering when this became my Saturday night?

About the time when did taking C back for training again today became my Sunday morning! It was I have to say close on the last thing I wanted to do, pipped only by the visit I had to make to return some stuff to the nearby shopping centre before waiting in the car park of the pool and having to listen to some event taking place over a loud speaker! Aaarrgghhh is there no peace to be found anywhere?!

Needless to say by the time I returned home I had overheated and was in a dreadful state.  A wide berth being the best approach to adopt at such times I went upstairs to cool down (literally) before returning to the fold and trying to salvage what was left of the day.

Perhaps then, given the circumstances, not the best idea to attempt to get a link between my Etsy shop and Facebook page working properly! I can't work out how to do it, although the link to Twitter works no problem at all. I have submitted a question to Etsy support and am trying my best to put it out of my mind until such time as I receive a response.

Too hot to contemplate my exercises (I really would melt) I have loads of other stuff to do, including a commission for ten thank you cards, but I think my craft knife may have come with a warning about being left well alone on days like these!

Oh! Etsy Support work Sundays and have just replied! Something about my listings URLs... time to go find a teenager me thinks!

M - 660
HM - 216
Total Distance covered  156.6 miles

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