Sunday 6 July 2014

Sunday - a day of rest

Not in this house!

It's a good job my commitment to follow the Tour de France was a tacit one - because I have no idea when I'm going to find the time...

Today has not gone according to plan. For whilst I don't know if I could have coped with going out at the crack of dawn to beat the road closures before waiting for several hours to see the cyclists whizz past in a couple of minutes, I am envious of a Sunday lifestyle where we would have had the time to do it.

Having volunteered yesterday at parkrun, today is a run day. I missed my opportunity to run first thing (more chatting to be done!) and the next chance I get isn't until 5pm, which is fine except that I haven't given enough forethought as to whether I should really have had a cup of tea late afternoon (my liquid intake pre run is best kept to a minimum!).

It is a warm and fairly humid afternoon, far from ideal running weather and I spend most of the run feeling like my top and bottom half don't belong to the same body. One is desperate to take fluids in, the other reminded with every jolt that it'd like to off load some! There are however, two positives to come out of this: firstly it gave me something else to concentrate on other than my disappointingly achy knees and secondly it worked wonders in keeping my stride length short!

Post run things don't get much better, as when choosing my running slot I didn't really think about how quickly I needed to be out again afterwards - a few half-hearted stretches and a quick shower later I am in the car ready to start my evenings chauffeuring duties. Believing I was going to have a half hour wait between dropping C off and picking H up I stayed in the car, when this turns into an hour and a half I begin to wish I'd found somewhere a little more comfy to wait, and by the time I get home I can barely move.

I can't help but feel that I haven't taken a word on board of what the Biomechanics Man was writing about yesterday with regard to the importance of both movement preparation and recovery in maintaining optimum performance. I have a feeling that ignoring this advice is something I will live to regret when I see him on Thursday... perhaps I need to have a date with my foam roller in the meantime (and it's not often that's viewed as the lesser of two evils!).

M - 674
Distance covered a slow and steady     3.3 miles.
Total distance covered                      143.3 miles

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