Friday 11 July 2014

M minus 669....

HM minus 226!

It's official! I have signed up for the Brighton Half Marathon on 22 February 2015... Two hundred and twenty six day away! Sisterofmarathongirl750 and Halfmarathongirl have signed up too, and I am hopeful that there may be some others joining us before we're done... come on Fellow Parkrunner bite the bullet!

I don't know if it was the excitement of doing this last night, or the decongestant tablets that I'm hoping might cure my ear ache (and was warned not to take too close to going to bed - for once I did heed the advice) but after getting to sleep at midnight I am up again at 2.30am and cannot get back to sleep. Aaarrgghh!

One of the things the Biomechanics Man suggested yesterday is to do breathing exercises - so there I am at half two this morning trying to remember if I've to pull my stomach in on my in breath or my out breath (it's the out breath) and instead of feeling all relaxed and sleepy I just get more and more frustrated as I can't remember which way round it is and I'm lying there puffing my chest in and out trying to see how this differs from breathing from my tummy and all the time thinking that I wish I'd been practising since I mentioned it all those weeks ago and how after years of Pilates this is second nature to Halfmarathongirl and yet I'm making such pigs ear of it... it's breathing for heaven's sake how hard can it be!

So I'm slightly tired today, and still trying to keep my focus on the jobs that I should be doing, but at the same time getting rather excited about going to Brighton!

I have decided to run for WaterAid. It seemed rather fitting given my attempt at increasing my water consumption and at the same time somewhat poignant that here I am struggling to drink three litres of water a day that comes out of our tap in endless supply, and there are women and girls (apparently it's not a man's job) who have to carry their own body weight in dirty water every day just to have any. The lack of clean water and sanitation is resulting in 1,400 children dying everyday through diarrhoea, and it upsets me that we live in a world where this is a reality.

So my fundraising target may have gone up by £275 but it is a challenge I am willing to accept and a cause that I believe is worth working that little bit harder for. All money raised so far for Barnardo's will still go to Barnardo's and the target for the marathon remains unchanged - I'll just have to run my fundraising along side each other, but it may take me a day or two to work out how I'm going to organise this!

Al has had a tough week at work and has come home this evening looking forward to his weekend, he's planning on spending tomorrow in the garden (after parkrun) and Sunday popping in to Sue's Open Garden. I on the other hand have so much to do before getting H onto the coach for his school trip to France at eleven o'clock on Sunday night that I don't know where to start and I can't help thinking it would have been useful if I'd worked that one out a few days ago! Or at least not got side tracked -

oh I do like to be beside the seaside oh I do like to be beside the sea....

M - 669
HM - 226
Distance covered 147.3 miles

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