Tuesday 22 July 2014

Words of wisdom

from me to C and back again!

I think we've established by now that I'm not very patient, and this weeks focus for winding me up is my Etsy shop! I will try to stop going on about it soon but there was a rather poignant moment this afternoon when the roles between parent and child reversed as C tried to put my mind at ease over it!

The trouble with being a bit of a pessimist and trying desperately to bring your children up as optimists is that at some point it was going to come back to haunt me!

I was complaining that I have had 76 views since opening, but no sales. C (and to be fair Al) pointed out that perhaps people are just browsing and will come back when they need a card, and that it doesn't necessarily mean that they don't like what they've seen, and would I rather have had 76 views and no sales, or 4 views and no sales? He then asked me how many cards I have sold elsewhere since I started making them... "err, a hundred" at which point I think he lost interest in listening to my moaning!

But hearing him try and talk me round before this point I couldn't help but be a little pleased that some of what I've tried to instil in him has obviously stuck (but it was hard to resist the urge to tell him to be quiet, leave me alone and let me wallow in my own self pity - sound familiar C?!)

I have however had quite a productive day sorting out old clothes to take to sell in the next few days (all proceeds to WaterAid!). It's hardly the highest accolade of where we live that they pay the top price locally of 60p per kilo of old clothes but hey every little helps and at a rough guess we might get close to £10! But as with every clear out only time will tell how long it takes for the bags to actually make it from the top landing to the 'shop'.

It was far too hot today for me to contemplate running during the day, and this evening opted for a walk with Al and the dogs instead. We might not live in the most salubrious of places but we can walk to some beautiful fields and countryside from our door and there's little can beat it on such a beautiful summer's evening.  It is a place that sustains me and I always come away feeling better for having gone - with the exception of when the dogs find the muck heap!

I know I need to relax. I know I want everything to happen yesterday. I know that I'm losing sight of what I should be focussing on, and what is actually important. I know I need to step back and allow things time to happen, and I need to stop watching the pot as it will never boil....

(but it still needs checking every once in a while!)

M - 658
HM - 214
Total Distance covered  156.6 miles

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