Monday 30 June 2014

Bitten on the backside

By my own advice!

School holidays aside, I am used to the boys being in school during the week and as a result the time between the morning school run and them getting in around half four is my own, not so today, nor tomorrow as it transpires!

C has gone off for a week's outward bound adventure as part of some National Citizen Service scheme and needs dropping off at the pickup point late morning (but for some reason I've arranged to pick his friend up ridiculously early so for us it means leaving mid morning!) This means a change to my normal Monday routine which would have been enough to throw me into turmoil without receiving a phone call mid dog walk to tell me that H has been called for a casting audition tomorrow in Manchester, and I've to take him!

This is the first time that he has been called for casting since signing with the agency at Easter and I don't really know what to expect - other than to be made to feel like I'm invisible and exceptionally unimportant if the agency we're visiting is anything like the one he's signed to (and I have to say on first impressions, after phoning to inquire about the parking situation, it is!).

I'm not sure I'm ready to enter into this world, but I am trying not to cut H's acting career short before it's even begun. It riles me that we have to jump at a moments notice and when I ring the agency to say that H has been given permission to go tomorrow, the response I receive is "he doesn't need permission for a casting" "err if he's missing school he does!". I am however resisting the temptation to climb onto my high horse.

If successful (and I have no idea what the odds on this are) it will be shot on location next week, and apparently he will either go with a chaperone or me! Which is great because I have nothing planned, no dog care issues to sort, and no squats or lunges to be doing...

But the worst bit of it all is that when I let H sign up, he did so on the understanding that he would have to be on top of his school work so he was in a position to take advantage of any opportunities that might arise. Such a shame I didn't heed my own advice... although to be fair I didn't fully appreciate the extent of my duties as chauffeur and potential chaperone!

Anyone want an English Pointer for a couple of days?!

M - 680
Total distance covered  136.8 miles

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