Thursday 12 June 2014

Welcome to the world...

of the World Cup Widow!

There must be better ways for someone with sore feet to spend one of the nicest days of the year than standing in the kitchen cooking and prepping food, but needs must and so that's where I've been.

The results have been mixed!  On the plus side some slow roasted tomatoes that I desperately want for my tea, and a mushroom pate that saw me scraping all the residue off the sides of the bowl, but I've struggled with that well known Afternoon Tea staple - beetroot hummus! I can excuse it being a bit garlic heavy but it is the weirdest and most unappetising shade of pink. It's just wrong, and is unlikely to make it onto the table on Saturday, but can't be wasted so  I decide we will have it with those left over frittatas from last week that we're having for tea tonight, however it seems that (even for Al) this is a step too far!

I have yet to work out the final costs for Saturday, and don't know exactly how many people are coming (but I'm trying very hard to be OK with this!) so I won't know how it works as a fundraiser until after the event, but I can't help feeling there must be easier ways than this to make some money! Although perhaps using tried and tested recipes would have been a good start.

I had the unexpected pleasure of C's company on the dog walk today, and we were discussing options for future fundraising and in particular how tap into the high school market. I did try to suggest parking up near school at a lunchtime and selling cakes from the boot of the car, needless to say C was less than impressed with this idea - can't think why?!

All calamities aside things are starting to come together, and I'm even beginning to look forward to it! Although I am not sure when this is actually going to show in my facial expressions as apparently it's been a while since I smiled - which is a shame as I've a feeling that it's going to get worse before it gets better!

But hey the football's started so it won't matter what kind of mood I'm in, I'm not going to see much of the boys for the next month anyway! Mind you given that most of the matches are being played fairly late in the evening perhaps I will be less of a widow than I think, and it might be a good excuse for a few early nights as I disappear up the stairs unnoticed, oh and perhaps I could have some nice long uninterrupted baths too.... I'm starting to like the sound of this!

M - 698
Distance Covered hasn't changed!

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