Friday 13 June 2014

Bad Timing

but we'll get there...

Tomorrow was chosen as the day for my tea party based on the majority of my parkrun friends being able to make it (you will be missed RLB), what I didn't really take into consideration is how it would fit into my family life - it doesn't.

First up there's the football which life must now revolve around, secondly it's exam time so Al is busy marking in front of said football, and thirdly H has just arrived home from three days in the Lake District with a fair portion of Lake Windermere in his suitcase!

But we're edging closer to getting there! With the exception of the scones and a bit of assembling tomorrow the food is ready, the wine's in the fridge and the house is still a tip.

Given that I can't run and the amount of cleaning still needing doing, it would make sense for me to stay home and crack on with it in the morning, but I can't imagine not going to parkrun, only being on holiday or in hospital has kept me away!  So I've put my name down as a volunteer and will just have to make do with what time there is when I get back.  Unless of course my insomnia reappears in which case I'll get up early - but it never seems to be around when I need it to be.

Sisterofmarathongirl750 - I wish you were here. Not only cause you'd be able to help, but because you would keep reminding me that no one is coming to see how clean the house is! In your absence I will try and remember your words of wisdom whilst I'm panicking tomorrow lunchtime.

In my heightened state of anxiety (it doesn't take much) it has been too easy to lose sight of what tomorrow is really about, friends supporting me as I try to realise my dream of running a marathon, and in doing so raise money for Barnardo's.  There are no 'Clean Police' coming, it will be fine.

I have had conversations with friends in the past where we have concluded that you're either a cook or a cleaner.  With their sparkling houses they opted for 'cleaner', which left me with 'cook'. Fingers crossed my food won't show me up for being neither, and who knows perhaps by three o'clock tomorrow I'll be able to kid them into thinking I'm both!

M - 697
Distance Covered remains the same.

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