Monday 2 June 2014

Running in the Rain

There's method in my madness

We have two dogs.  Sid a seventeen year old Jack Russell, and Dougal a two year old English Pointer. A lot of the time they live somewhat independently of each other, however when it comes to opening doors they have perfected a double act.  If the door opens away from them Dougal has mastered the technique of standing on his hind legs and operating door handle with his front paws, if it opens towards them and is slightly ajar Dougal who lacks the tenacity of a terrier will stand the other side of if and whine whilst he waits for Sid to get his snout (designed for sticking down rabbit holes) in the gap and open it for him. Dougal sleeps shut in a cage overnight but rarely goes anywhere near it during the day (the relevance of these two pieces of information will become clear later!).

Today was a bit of a nothing day, it never seemed to really get started and I couldn't help but feel a little flat. I missed Al not being around and I'd to bake for my neighbour's birthday which made me feel sorry for myself that I am supposed to be cutting down on such sugar loaded luxury. (I am genuinely quite fond of an oatcake until I mention the word 'diet' and suddenly it's like eating cardboard!) Thankfully on this occasion I'd to give the brownies away so temptation has been removed from my path, but I've a week of baking ahead of me in preparation for next weekend, and can't help but think I've chosen the wrong month to focus on weight loss!

The plan was that Al and I would go for a run before tea. Not long before he got in from work the heavens opened.  We sat around on the sofa for a while trying to decide what to do, whether to run, or wait, or forget it all together.  We decided to go, if only for the fact that it would change the number of miles at the bottom of my blog!  Dougal on seeing Al in his running kit made a bee line for his cage, managed to open the door all by himself, and curled up as small as he could in his bed hoping we wouldn't find him!  By the time I was changed there was no sign of the rain passing and as it bounced off the pavement and thundered down on the skylight Al's body language became less and less like that of someone about to go out for a run - in the end I went on my own!

I'm glad I went but I'm also glad that the rain kept me from trying to up my distance in an attempt to catch up with HM!

However perhaps the best bit of running in the rain is the guilt free day off it has given me tomorrow.  I am not running in soggy trainers - I may be keen but I'm not that keen!

M - 708
Distance covered                 3.1 miles
Total Distance Covered    122.4 miles

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