Monday 16 June 2014


Of the most enjoyable kind!

C has finished his last GCSE - yipppeeee!! I, I mean he made it! His last three exams were on Thursday and Friday morning of last week, and then this morning. After yesterday's talk about a need for routine, it dawned on me today that I already have one.  I drop C at school, go to the supermarket and purchase (amongst other things) three pain au chocolate, C gets in from his exam and we share one before walking the dogs together, we then come home and have lunch in the garden consuming the other two for pudding. For me this is a win win situation, eating pastries and spending time with my son.

It would appear that I have lost all willpower in terms of losing weight, which is a shame because as I'm not running either watching what calories are going in would be a wise move, but I figured that moments like these with my soon to be sixteen year old son will be few and far between and life is too short not to enjoy them. (I have yet to work out what logic I am applying to the left over cake from the weekend that I seem to be tucking into!). 

A week of not running, a couple of days off from fundraising and I'm beginning to feel like I'm going off the boil! I don't know when I last felt like marathon girl, but sat with my feet up on the sofa enjoying a wee piece of brownie it feels like a very long time ago....

I wouldn't wish any more exams on C, but I can't help but be a little sad that my new found and much enjoyed routine has come to an end, but perhaps given my obvious lack of commitment to trying to lose weight it is just as well that in the absence of any exams, I will have walked the dogs and eaten lunch before he even surfaces for the day.

M - 694
Distance covered still 130.6 miles

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