Tuesday 10 June 2014

Go faster stripes?

'fraid not Speedy Gonzales

My visit to the Biomechanics Man has resulted in me having my lower legs taped... which has in a strange way made me feel a teeny bit like a professional athlete - or at the very least a serious one!

However, when I get over myself the reality of the situation begins to hit home - I ran too far, too fast, with bad running style when I was at Edinburgh and I'm paying the price.  The knock on effect of powering down the home straight on fatigued legs has taken it's toll, one heel strike after another, and I have (what I can best describe) as tinnitus of the ankle (definitely my words and not his!).  It's like the shock waves that were pounded into them are still in there, reverberating around with no where to go. A sports torture session, some fetching black tape, rest and he's hopeful it will dissipate. 

However sooner or later I am going to have to learn to stop asking questions if I am not prepared to accept the answer. 

Last week it was egg whites (I'd defrosted some to do some baking for this Saturday, when I suddenly thought that I might not be able to refreeze them - quick phone call to Egg Info (when I can't find what I'm looking for on the internet) to be told that no I can't refreeze them "but I've changed the state surely that makes it OK?!").*

This week it's how long a rest period... "OK so you say a week, but really I should be OK to run on Saturday?"

Now I'm cross with myself for trying to run ten kilometres like it was five and wishing I wasn't driven by a competitive desire to run fast. But I am. It's what motivates me and without it I'm not sure how I'm going to get on.  One thing's for sure - making the transition from speed to distance running is not going to be easy. 

So no fortieth run for me this week at parkrun (unhappy face), but it will at least give Al the opportunity to get another run closer to catching me up - he did somewhat hopefully inquire as to whether my rest period was twelve weeks when I told him I couldn't run for a while - I sincerely, and in the nicest possible way, hope not! (I may not be able to compete over speed any more but I'll fight you every step of the way to that first parkrun 50 t-shirt Mr L!).

M - 700
Total Distance Covered (stuck for the foreseeable future at) 130.6 miles

*Ladies coming on Saturday for Afternoon Tea: You are not at risk of salmonella -  we ate the aforementioned baking just to be on the safe side!

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