Saturday 14 June 2014

Sunshine and success...

and all that stress for nothing!

If yesterday I was questioning the timing of my Afternoon Tea party, today it felt like the perfect day for it! Quite coincidentally it is my year anniversary of going to parkrun, my friend HM's 50th parkrun and Al ran a most impressive personal best this morning - three very good reasons to celebrate - and if that wasn't enough the sun shone!

I make no apologies for going on about how much I love parkrun, and how much good it has done me over the past year.  Without a doubt it kept me running over the winter.  Not necessarily because I wanted to run, but because going along on a Saturday morning has become about so much more, it's about meeting friends and feeling part of something.  I love that Al could see what I was getting out of it and chose to become part of that too, and even though he took six seconds off my PB this morning (and twenty one seconds off his) I am genuinely pleased for him that the effort he's put in has paid off - it has been obvious running with him recently that he was going to do it and I know how good it feels when it comes together... couldn't have happened on a better day.

It was a bit of a panic getting everything ready on time and I couldn't have done it without Al, but we did it! And not only that - I'm going to go so far as to say we did it in style (oh how I've changed my tune now it's over! But perhaps I do need to make apologies for harping on about how stressed I was?! Sorry).

All that cleaning I needn't have bothered doing - we sat in the garden and hardly anyone went to the loo!

There were 10 wonderful women at mine for afternoon tea today, all of them parkrunners, and non of them I knew before I went.  Some of them have marathons to their names, some don't, but all of them have personal running (and for the injured - walking) goals, yet all of them have offered their support to me without question, and thanks to them it's time for another totaliser!

We've reached the £250 mark - an eighth of the way there!

As previously mentioned HM made it to the parkrun 50 club - Congratulations! In due course parkrun will reward her with an exclusive T-shirt for taking part 50 times, today it seemed fitting to mark the occasion with a cake! I was gutted last year when I found out that parkrun 10 T-shirts are only for the juniors and am going to be so proud when I finally get to join the 50 club.... so enjoy what's left of your day (it's a late one this evening) you get to have your cake and eat it!

M - 696
Distance Covered remains the same - but I don't care! Today has been a good day, and I'm full of optimism that I'll get back out there again soon!

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