Sunday 22 June 2014

A Sunny Sunday...

And we spend it shifting logs?!

As you know I suffer periodically from insomnia, I usually don't have a problem getting to sleep but I wake early and then can't drift off again. Thankfully it has been missing for a while now, and in it's absence you could be mistaken for thinking that I've been sleeping well and getting up rested, refreshed and raring to go.  Oh but how wrong you would be! I awoke this morning with sore feet (not unexpected) and from absolutely no where - a frozen shoulder. So much for rested and refreshed, not for the first time I seem to have managed to wake up feeling older than I went to bed! Something's going wrong somewhere but I have yet to work out what to do about it...

Sunday's are generally busier days in our house than they ought to be, and I came downstairs this morning wishing it was this time last week and the house was tidy or that I'd kept up to it in the time that's passed since then - but it was neither last week nor tidy (which I can't help feeling is a bit of a shame especially as I've yet to master time travel, so if it bothers me there's only one thing for it!).

It is also somewhat unfortunate that my shoulder is sore as it is log delivery day and all hands are required to move them from the garage to the wood store.  It is entirely by chance that I arranged for them to be delivered today but can't help feeling that I'm heralding the passing of the summer solstice with the arrival of the fuel for the winter, but I think it's a bit too soon to notice the night's drawing in!

Shortly before we went out to move the logs I received my second commission for greetings cards (thank you CJ) and a text from a friend telling me the graduate show at the local art college is worth a look.  I am a little reluctant to go as I think it will make me exceptionally envious and more than a little sad that I never went to art college, yet at the same time it might be good for inspiration and ideas. Outside shifting logs, with my mind in full creative flow I found myself spending a little too long looking at the patterns in the bark, desperate to go grab the camera. However given the reluctance with which C and H were helping I didn't think it would go down too well if I'd prolonged the job by taking photo's - but it was a close call!

I settled instead for a photo of the finished article.

M - 688
Total distance covered 133.7 miles

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