Wednesday 11 June 2014

Lying in til lunchtime

If only it had been me!

C (who is on study leave) eventually came downstairs this afternoon after twelve hours in his bed, given that I average around seven I am more than a little envious! Not least because I'm exhausted and at the same time busier than I've been in a long while!

The time has arrived when I can start baking for Saturday, consequently I have spent the past couple of days busy in the kitchen.  My success rate seems to have increased somewhat over last week's disasters (phew) and I was on a bit of a roll this morning when I received an order for some greeting's cards.

Nine to be precise, which is wonderful and my best order to date, but three of them need making, and those that don't needed posting today. So quick change of hat from baker to card maker (not sure I can quite get away with 'artist') and it's out of the kitchen and into my studio (otherwise called a desk in the dining room!).

My ankle tinnitus is worse than ever this morning, I don't know if it's because of the massage, the strapping, both or neither! If only I'd been able to lie in until lunchtime and some lovely kind son had walked the dogs for me....

Actually I had dog walk planned with my friend so wasn't going to miss it no matter how sore my feet were - I'm not sure walking four miles round the woods in my wellies was the best idea but purposefully didn't ask about that one yesterday (see - I am learning!).  Besides which I was too busy talking to notice the pain, sometimes distraction really is the best therapy.

There is however nothing happening this evening to divert my attention away from the list of jobs that need doing.  I did consider a power nap before I started writing this in the hope that I would wake up refreshed and raring to go, but in the end I decided that I just couldn't take the risk of me ignoring the alarm and not waking up til Al got back in from juggling (proper juggling of the club and ball variety, not the trying to do too many things at once kind that I seem to be having a go at recently).

I am starting to panic that there won't be enough food, or that I won't have time to prepare it all, or that the time allocated to clean will disappear on me - what was that statistic on worrying again? Eighty five percent of what I'm worrying about won't happen, but how do I work out which is the fifteen percent that will?! What I have to remember is that these are friends who are coming to support me, it doesn't have to be perfect.

Besides which my fellow parkrunner (who unfortunately can't be with us on Saturday) called after work to deliver a rather lovely looking cake and (almost) a dozen eggs laid by her chickens, so if all else fails it'll be dippy eggs and soldiers followed by ginger cake and tea (thank you RLB xx).

M - 699
Total Distance Covered     130.6 miles

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