Wednesday 25 June 2014

Chocolate Digestives

Some days nothing else will do...

I awoke this morning full of optimism, it would have been nice if it'd lasted past lunchtime!

I had a good start to the day, both boys were off school so I managed an extra hour in my bed and no school run! Took Sid out on a short walk more befitting a dog of his years, and then took Dougal to meet up with a friend and tramp round the woods for a couple of hours.  Ankles are better than they have been after recent excursions of this nature and I'm hopeful that they are on the mend.

So what brought a change of heart at lunchtime? Our friends are getting married next Friday and in response to my inquiry as to what was on the present list, they have instead requested that I make them something they can frame....

Yippppeeeeee and Arrrrgghhhhhh!! All at the same time! (no wonder my mind went into melt down!).

They don't live near us, and are obviously unaware of the frame that has sat empty at the bottom of our stairs for the past five years awaiting a picture for above the fireplace in the lounge. I want to make something for it, but have never found the inspiration to know where to start!

Handily there's that Degree Show to visit. What a waste of time. I have never been to a more soulless exhibition in my life. Apart from one student's grandparents (who were doing a good job of being impressed with (what looked like) a lilac onesie that their grandson had sewn) I was the only person there. The lady on reception didn't know where I was supposed to go, but assured me there would be staff in each room (there wasn't) and I was left to wander around an empty college looking at artwork that I couldn't get excited about. I didn't stay long. I have yet to see the friend who recommended it to me and can't help wondering if I missed whatever it was she'd seen that made her think of me).
I think it's fair to say my art school ship may have sailed! (or as Al just pointed out the local Art College was never going to be on a par with Glasgow School of Art).

Mistakenly I then thought that a visit to the local craft shop would rescue the afternoon - I really should have known better. I hate the place: it stinks of cigarette smoke, and it never seems to have what I'm looking for. Quite why I thought it held the key to unlock my creativity I have no idea. But of the six people holding court around one of the crafting tables, not one of them broke off from their conversation to acknowledge that I had even entered the shop let alone ask if I was in need of assistance, I slipped out unnoticed.

Time to return home to the sanctuary of my house, my dogs, my boys and my messy cupboard of art stuff.... perhaps the inspiration I need is lurking in there!

M - 685
Total distance covered remains at 133.7 miles

PS I would have happily killed for a cup of Earl Grey and a chocolate digestive biscuit this afternoon but there's none in the house (sisterofmarthongirl750 your visit can't come soon enough).

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