Tuesday 24 June 2014

West Highland Way

maybe one day I'll WALK it!

Earlier this year sisterofmarthongirl750 completed the West Highland Way - ninety five miles between Glasgow and Fort William, fourteen thousand seven hundred and sixty feet of ascent.  It took her and her friends five days and I am proud of her for doing it (and a little envious after only managing the first thirty miles some twenty years ago before my knee said no more!). I don't know how much her achieving this made me think about the marathon on my wish list, but when I told her of my plans she wished me all the luck in the world, before adding that having walked that far on one of the days there was no way she would be joining me!

I learned this morning that there is a West Highland Way Race, and that it was won this year by a man (who deserves to be named) called Paul Giblin.  He ran the distance in a quite inconceivable fourteen hours, twenty minutes and eleven seconds. I genuinely can't get my head around this.

Run and Become newsAnd for whilst I cannot see the day where I ever contemplate a distance longer than a marathon it has made me take a look at what it is I am trying to achieve and understand that I can do this.

Halfmarathongirl came for lunch today and among the many subjects that we touched upon was the role our minds play in shaping our lives and would we be able to achieve more if negative thought patterns of "I can't" didn't kick in. We were also discussing the fact that we can actively choose not to worry or get stressed about something.

I've touched on this before and for whilst it is far from easy (especially if your pre-programming is anything like mine) I think it is something I need to revisit. Time for some positive thinking....
The problem with my ankles is something I will recover from, my cards are selling and I will reach the target amount for Barnardo's, it doesn't matter if the readership figures for my blog fluctuates, I will run a marathon.

BUT it is not going to happen by chance, I need get up off my backside and MAKE it happen, instead of sitting worrying about it not.

So it's off to the Art College Degree Show tomorrow for inspiration, not an afternoon of regret.

Meanwhile whilst we were lost in our thoughts over lunch (not in the dining room I hasten to add) Dougal decided to seize the opportunity to investigate what was on the dining table that might be of interest, I came into the room to find him standing on top of it having a nose around.Think a longer walk may be called for tomorrow!

Ankles beware! I'm fighting back and this time I mean business...

M - 686
Total distance covered still 133.7 miles but this is not something I need to get upset about!


  1. Funnily enough I spent most of the 95 miles saying to myself - you can do this !! Halfway up the Devil's Staircase the counter voice said "you know - maybe you can't" and I had a rare emotional moment ... It took all my positive thinking and an even rarer but much welcome hug from one of my friends to get me to the top ! So the moral of the story is .. yes your mind can be conditioned but it cannot beat the support of friends :) - you have both so you will succeed xx ps - I can't get my head around running it either !! PPS - there is a Glencoe Marathon if you don't fancy the full 95 miles :) xx

  2. As always I like your thinking (apart from the Glencoe Marathon bit!) xx
