Wednesday 18 June 2014

Signs of improvement

How good could I feel if I stopped running altogether?!

I've had a good day, but it's been a busy one and I haven't spent much of it on my own.  Consequently I haven't had time to think about what I am going to write about today and find myself in the somewhat unfamiliar territory of not having a clue where this is heading (or it would seem, where to begin!).

So, what's new? Well, my feet are getting better! Met my friend for our weekly four mile dog walk this morning and my ankles are definitely complaining less than they were this time last week, the rest has clearly done them some good. Conversely I think this means that I am going to try to run parkrun on Saturday. I would probably benefit from testing my feet over a shorter distance but it seems like so much effort to get into my running kit just for a mile, and I am a bit reluctant to risk finding out that it's too soon and then have to miss Saturday. Perhaps not the most sensible of strategies but one, I know at least some of you, will be able to relate to!

I spent the hour that I did have to myself this afternoon trying to get some more cards onto my Facebook page* and organising them in a slightly more user friendly manner! I'm not sure if it worked but I have had some sales come in, and if sisterofmarthongirl750 meant to buy ten (!) then I've reached a total of fifty cards sold! Whoo hoo!! (but no pressure if you didn't sis!)  Then I only have to sell another fourteen and it's totaliser time again folks! (Two in one week - how good would that be?) It would also take the pressure off poor Al who was badgered into taking them into work.

And finally, I have noticed that more people tend to read my blog on days when I include a photo! (what's wrong with the picture of my toes?) So here with a sneak preview of a future card is a little experiment to see if it generates as much interest as pictures of the dogs!

M - 692
Distance covered still standing at 130.6 miles - but not for much longer!

* for those of you reading via Twitter please visit Marathongirl750 on Facebook

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