Tuesday 17 June 2014

The second of three...

... anniversaries this week!

It is two years since we brought Dougal home and our world turned upside down! But amid all the chaos and hard work that accompanies him, comes immeasurable pleasure and love. It is however fair to say that from what little I can remember of life before Dougal it was a lot simpler and slower paced (there was no life before Sid).

The thought that my journey of 1000 miles will take roughly the same amount of time that we've been a two dog household is somewhat scary! Yet already I can feel life before marathongirl750 slipping away and am wondering what, if any of it will remain when I do reach the finish line.

With the dogs I dream of guilt free lie in's, and days where there is no one to consider but me (although I can't imagine how lonely it would feel being in the kitchen and not having four eyes staring at my every move).
... and now!
With my alias, I am already wondering what I've done in leaving my old life behind, when it didn't matter to me if I ran or not, and where I wasn't spending vast amounts of time trying to work out how to raise my profile in order to bring money in, whilst psycho analysing my life through the medium of a blog only to reach conclusions that I probably already knew in the first place!

And at the end, will I walk (or hobble!) away from marathongirl750 like the parting of work colleagues who you promise to keep in touch with when you change jobs only to realise later that the only thing you had in common was that shared time, or will she come with me, in part or entirety to the next chapter of my life?

I think however it may be a trifle early to pontificate about life post marathon!

So whilst my thoughts today are with the past and the future, tomorrow I need to get back to focusing on the present! Organisation, exercises, weight loss, and fundraising. Oh and breathing exercises! I heard someone mention them on the radio this morning - must be a month since I've done mine!

M - 693
Distance covered still standing at 130.6 miles

PS We did buy Dougal a bigger bed but it's only Sid who'll go in it!

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