Friday 27 June 2014


What squats?!

One of my biggest frustrations is not having a clear run to get anything done. Today was one of those days. Took H to school, nipped in to the supermarket for the bits I forgot yesterday, took the dogs out, came home to find C had slept in and should have been at his friends half an hour ago, so ended up dropping him off instead of him getting the bus and finally I get some me time!

At some point during the week I have decided that I am going to sew today, irrespective of the fact that I've got baking to do for tomorrow, and the house to clean. I am making a house warming gift for my friend who is getting married next week. It is six months overdue and I have come to the conclusion that this is what is blocking my creativity as far as her wedding present is concerned! Time to clear it off the to do list and clear some space in my head (and a bit more fabric out of the messy cupboard of art stuff). I am in full creative flow when I have to stop and make lunch, and then am interrupted an hour or so later by Dougal who comes and rests his head on my lap to let me know it's his tea time! Once he's been fed, it takes him an age to settle down again and so I have to leave what I'm doing and move onto my baking jobs instead (any chance of food and his attention is held!).

I am trying my best not to let my frustration show by the time Al gets home, but the fact that he steps up immediately to help me get through my list of jobs in the kitchen makes me wonder if perhaps I may have pointed it out to him the minute he walked through the door (oh and I may have said something about it at lunchtime) what can I say? He's a good man.

Sewing aside, what he is unable to help with is my exercises, and perhaps the real reason for my desire to bury my head in a creative project bubbles to the surface! Such a shame that there just doesn't seem to have been time to do them today, but there are muffins for tomorrows post park run picnic after which nothing else seems to matter!

M - 683
Total distance covered (for the last time) 133.7 miles

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