Friday 20 June 2014

Inconclusive Evidence

so it's back to a picture of my feet!

Despite my exceptionally thorough and in depth three day experiment I don't think the results are conclusive enough to determine whether the subject matter for the photograph makes any difference at all to the numbers reading! I can just about remember enough of my Marketing Degree to know that there are too many unknown variables that I have absolutely no influence over to ever be able to accurately test if I can influence readership or not ("err you could try writing something interesting?!" well yes there is that!)

With this in mind I tried really hard today to stay away from updating my summary page at regular intervals to see if there had been any change since I last checked.  This hasn't been easy, given that it's my latest obsession but I decided not to look until this evening, and held out til at least lunchtime!

Sat working at my computer this morning, and a message from Facebook pops up informing me that my post of three days ago is vastly out performing the others from this week

I KNOW! I've been harping on about it ever since!

Why oh why, when I was trying so hard to take a different tack, did it have to flash up in front of me, all confrontational and uninvited and rub my nose in it? Later when I look at my ipod I get the same message - just in case I didn't get it the first time!

Why didn't anyone tell the world that I was doing not interested in my page view stats today?

I know what Facebook are doing, by pointing out my inadequacies they are trying to get me to pay to advertise my page. Thankfully I haven't reached the point where this feels like a viable option - yet!

Friday night, and another parkrun looms.... think I'm going to run - if only so I've got something to write about tomorrow! 

M - 690
Total distance covered (possibly for the last time at) 130.6 miles - we'll see what the morning brings!

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