Friday 6 June 2014

Playing Catch Up

If my brain hasn't got a grasp on the task ahead my legs have!

Sisterofmarathongirl750 has been conspicuous in her absence over responding to yesterday's blog.  This can mean one of three things:

a) she hasn't read it yet;
b) she isn't going to warrant my latest hair brained idea with a response; or
c) she's talking herself into joining me on all three

Have to tell you sis that HM has already signed up! I am not on my own, and our other fellow parkrunner who has already committed to doing a half with us may yet be convinced to join us in the triple! We have also received an invitation to run Bath and Bristol (thanks FAK) lots to discuss over the post parkrun coffee tomorrow!

My legs may however wish they had a voice - they have woken up feeling every one of the five miles they ran yesterday and are not at all convinced about my plans for next year! They hurt and I'm still wondering if I've got shin splints, but I really don't want to stop running for a while so am going to stick my head in the sand for a bit longer and keep my fingers crossed.

I've had quite a productive day and have even started cleaning the kitchen, which makes me feel very self righteous whilst I'm doing it and then thoroughly hacked off when less than half an hour after finishing I have to start cooking and it's a mess again. What is the point? But for a short while at least it looked nice!

My insomnia has been replaced by anxiety dreams which is progress of sorts (I think) I'm almost done working out my menu for next weekend and starting to feel a little more organised, long may it last!

Al did mistakenly think that it was this weekend that people were coming - I find this slightly incredulous not just because the house is still a bit of a tip and clearly not ready for visitors, but also because he hasn't done any cooking!

M - 704
Total Distance Covered  127.5 miles


  1. A triple half marathon?! Good to see you're living up to your mad Scottish lady name ;-) Same goes to you, HM, mad Dewsbury lady. I will not be drawn into this. (Not immediately anyway!)

  2. Or d) she is wondering what happened to her weekend in Barcelona :) x
