Sunday 1 June 2014


Another week flies by!


We had a lovely evening at our friends last night, we haven't seen them since New Year when my buried desire to run a marathon had yet to surface, so there was lots to tell them although I still feel slightly strange saying it out loud. I can't quite shake the feeling that at some point someone will find the whole idea farcical when I mention it, but so far everyone has been incredibly supportive and last night was no exception - thank you!

Today started well - at last I managed a lie in on a Sunday morning, it's just a shame that the benefits of not waking up until 9 o'clock had to be offset against not getting in until half one!

I would like to say that a lazy Sunday followed - but we've long since forgotten what one of those is like!

It dawned on me yesterday that it's Father's Day in a fortnight and an ideal opportunity to try and peddle a few more of my wares, so today has been spent putting new cards together, suggesting customising existing ones and getting them on to Facebook.  I am not particularly adept at this last part so apologies if you've received the same message more than once, be patient with me - I'm on a steep learning curve!

Meanwhile the ironing mountain grows ever higher and the house remains untidy and in need of a clean - although if I do it soon it'll need doing again before Afternoon Tea Day, but if I leave it til nearer the time...

Feeling slightly sad this evening that it's the end of the half term holidays, I don't want Al to go back to work tomorrow or H to go back to school (C is on study leave but rarely puts in an appearance before lunchtime). We've been here before and I know that by now I should have written my shopping list for the morning, and planned my day so that I'm focused but I've yet to do either. 

I also know that I've let the little jobs (that I'm supposed to do on a daily basis) slip and am going to have to spend at least part of the week playing catch up.  Al however has taken my words to heart and is cleaning the hob on a nightly basis! On the one hand this makes me smile, on the other it just serves as a reminder that I may talk a good story but am rubbish at putting it into practice... oh well, you teach best what you most need to learn!

Yet again my day seemed to disappear in an endless stream of things to do, but with little evidence at the end of it that I'd done anything at all!  I would have liked to go running (I know bit of a change from a few days ago!), especially as one of next year's half marathon contenders has upped the anti by running 7.86 miles...  HUGE well done to you HM, but I now have running envy!

Oh well there's always tomorrow!

M - 709
Total Distance Covered    119.3 miles

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