Thursday 19 June 2014


1812 Overture

If I spent too much of yesterday in other people's company to be able to think, today has been the exact opposite! This usually has one of two results.  Either Al comes home to find me having put the world to rights, with an accompanying list of jobs 'guaranteed' to improve our lives several times over, or I get a bit melancholy. 

Needless to say I am in a wistful mood when he returns home this evening, staring off into the middle distance and quieter than I have been known to be at times! (But he's brought a shed load of marking with him so perhaps he's glad not to have been met at the back door with me in full operation overhaul mode!).

There are two triggers that I think have induced my current state.  One being the viewing figures for yesterday's blog, and the second being a book I've been reading -The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom (lent to me by my friend HM, who given her initials and her intentions to join me doing the triple next year, shall here on in be referred to as halfmarathongirl).

My little experiment with the photo on yesterday's blog did not produce the desired results! It was the second to lowest of all sixty posts in terms of reads. I am going to have to get myself to a point where this doesn't matter to me, or at least where I stop checking the figures on numerous occasions throughout the day (But let's see if musical instruments fair better than flowers in piquing your interest.....)

As for the book, well it's basic premise is one of meeting five people after you die who help you realise the point of your life. I've loved it halfmaratongirl and I can see another lunchtime on the garden bench is required to discuss! But it was made for the introspective mind, and set mine whirling.

Sat this afternoon staring at the summary page of my blog and the one thousand eight hundred and twelve page views to date, I was really struggling to stay awake and thought I would take fifteen minutes to put my head on the desk and listen to the 1812 overture... when I found myself thinking about how I used to play clarinet and how I used to dream of playing in a proper orchestra and why of all the things that I thought I might like to do with my life when I was seventeen it's marathon running that has made it to the top of my wish list!

But perhaps I should have paid a little more attention to the blurb on YouTube before I hit play, the bit where it warned that the music contained cannons and that they might make dogs bark - my snooze came to rather an abrupt end!

M - 691
Distance covered still standing at 130.6 miles (still hoping to run on Sat!)

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