Tuesday 3 June 2014

One step forward

and two steps back

The wine has arrived for next weekend! This jolts me out of my card making groove that I have been stuck in over the past few days, and makes me realise that there are other things to think about, plan and prepare (which is a bit of a shame as I've new art supplies in the post!).

Time to look at the notes I made last week, trawl the internet for inspiration and flick through our recipe books and collection of bits torn out of magazines.

On paper it looks like I'm starting to get somewhere and I am motivated enough to head out this afternoon to buy some ingredients (the fact that we'd nothing in for tea despite me going to the supermarket yesterday morning may have a little to do with this).

By the time Al gets in there are a dozen mini frittatas on the cooling rack and I'm feeling rather pleased with myself.  A couple for dinner, the rest in the freezer and I've made my first (non alcohol related) step towards Afternoon Tea.

Al is impressed, both with how they look and also with the fact that I've finally done something positive instead of sitting worrying that people won't come!  It is such a shame then that they taste of nothing!  Somehow I have made the flavours of eggs, feta cheese, leeks, sweet potato, garlic and cream cancel each other out, and have even been back to check the recipe to see if I missed something (apparently not).  I am more than a little disheartened and tempted to throw them in the bin so I never have to see them again, but know that I won't be able to cope with the waste and we'll be having it for tea again, and again and possibly again before they're gone!

I didn't really need this, I am already struggling to see the good that has happened in the past week because I'm too busy worrying about the bad. I am two card sales away from meeting a milestone, on the soon to be published totaliser, yet to talk to me you'd think I hadn't sold any. 

Acknowledging that I have to stop ruminating about things that may or may not be, I was reminded of something that sisterofmarthongirl750 once told me about 85% of the things you worry about not actually happening.  It was a while ago and clearly I haven't paid that much attention to it so I thought I'd best check I'd remembered it correctly.  I found this on my search...

Self-doubt - It is a downward spiral that focuses on the negative and why things cannot be done versus why things can be done. It is a sinkhole, a debilitating attitude, and a terrible habit. 

That's me told!

M - 707
Total Distance Covered (a guilt free - trainers are still wet) 122.4 miles


  1. I also remember the positive self talk "I am an athlete". Look where that got me :) and on FB tonight I saw something that kind of resonates ... It said " frame every so called disaster with the words ... "will it really matter in 5 years time" :). So enjoy the journey marathongirl750 and stop beating yourself up - you are doing great xx
