Sunday 8 June 2014

Visual impairment

A case of only seeing what I choose to see

There are three main things that I need to do before next weekend: tidy, clean and cook.  I'd like to wait until Friday to do them, but there won't be enough hours in the day, so am trying to work out some sort of schedule to stagger them throughout the week.

I think it might say a bit too much about where my priorities lie, when I tell you that I started by organising the cakes! I know what we're having, what ingredients I need to buy, and what days I am baking on.  I've yet to get my head around the savouries, but by the end of tonight the shopping list WILL be written.

I am refusing to clean before Thursday at the earliest! There has been far too much rain recently and with sixteen feet travelling in and out our house on a regular basis that makes for a lot of muddy footprints, and yes eight of those feet could do a better job of wiping them on the backdoor mat but when the other eight don't it's hard to see the point!

Which leaves the tidying up. However, it is becoming obvious that my attention is somewhat selective!  Al's headphones have been 'hidden' in the drawer, his shoes have been cursed at as they got put back on the shoe rack again (although come to think of it, it may not have been the shoes I was cursing) and heaven help anyone who leaves anything out in the kitchen. Operation Minimalist has begun....

Quite why I think any of these things, which will all  be needed again by Friday, require tidying today is anyone's guess, but what doesn't seem to be grabbing my attention is any of my stuff! There are two pairs of socks, a belt and three glasses cases on the dresser that don't seem to be bothering me at all! It's like they disappear from view when I look around to see what needs doing. A quick glance round each room and it would appear that the problem of selective blindness is widespread, I've got stuff left everywhere! Oops!

I haven't run today, I am going to rest my feet until I see the Biomechanics Man on Tuesday and have a chat about what might be causing the problem... but I'm really hoping he doesn't say to stop running for a while because if I'm organised enough to get to parkrun on Saturday it's my 40th time round the track!

M - 702
Total Distance Covered  130.6 miles

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