Sunday 15 June 2014

The calm after the storm

In other words I've done nothing today!

After the whirlwind of the last week or so it has been lovely to do nothing (relatively speaking!). There were still dogs to get up and feed rather than lie in, there was still a certain amount of clearing up to do from yesterday, there was still food to cook for brunch and washing up to do afterwards....

But there was no tidying up to do, no cleaning, no running and no underwater hockey training to ferry the boys to and from this evening . I think this constitutes a day off (especially as I snuck upstairs for a crafty half hour snooze this afternoon - but don't tell Al!).

I feel a little bit like I did post Edinburgh when I don't know what my next step is going to be but, note to self, I MUST remember to sort Al's car insurance that runs out tomorrow! So I think a couple of days reflection are called for when I take stock of the past couple of months, what I've done and where I go from here.

I am trying my best to be patient with my feet, I know that it makes no sense whatsoever to run whilst I can still feel vibration in my ankles and that the longer I leave them to repair the better for me long term (and short, and medium) but it's not easy! In the meantime I am keeping up with my exercises and trying my best to convince myself that it's better to be concentrating on getting my muscles working properly and strengthened rather than running - the knock on effect of which is pushing me further and further away from a place where I can move forward from. I've known I've needed to do this corrective work for a long time now, it was never going to be fun, but it is important to lay down solid foundations.

It's kind of where I've got to in terms of my fundraising and blog too... there is only so long I can keep going in my current ad hoc fashion where I allow it to take over my life completely and everything else goes to pot. 

Looks like we're back at the bit where I talk about the need for routine and structure and making a plan! And then guess what I'm going to say?! "But not today!"

Procrastination.... it's one of my favourite pastimes!

M - 695
Distance covered still 130.6 miles

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