Monday 23 June 2014

Stay of Execution

Tomorrow's sports massage has been postponed!

I'd like to say when I got a text this lunchtime asking if I could rearrange tomorrow's appointment with the Biomechanics Man that I could feel every muscle in my legs relaxing - but if I could relax them I wouldn't be going in the first place!

The muscles in my calves remain incredibly tight, undoubted worse since I ran on Saturday, and no amount of self inflicted torture with the foam roller seems to make them any better. Knowing the pain that awaits me at my next appointment, I was more than happy to move it to Thursday! But at the same time a little disappointed because I don't feel like I'm making any progress at the moment, and am getting impatient to get moving...

My ankles have still not settled down and part of me knows that I shouldn't run on them until they do whilst another part of me wonders if perhaps this is just how it will be now and in time I won't notice it anymore!

It's hard not to feel a little despondent however and had been hoping for some words of encouragement from BM that the exercises are working and that there are signs of improvement (and that running with ankle tinnitus won't cause any additional harm - even though it was him who prescribed a week's rest in the first place!).

So in the absence of any running to focus on, I have tried to organise my forthcoming card making commitments into some sort of order, although I think I spent a little too long drawing a nice three week calendar and filling in social occasions rather than working out some sort of work plan! (But there's some good things coming up - Halfmarathongirl's coming to lunch tomorrow, Parkrun picnic on Saturday, Sisterofmarthongirl750 (and family) coming to visit the weekend after, C's birthday, and Susan's Open Garden event rounding it off on the 13 July). 

Thinking about it perhaps it would be better if I was told not to run for a month - I don't appear to have the time!

M - 687
Total distance covered 133.7 miles

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