Saturday 28 June 2014

Just not the same

when the Gang's not all there...

Whilst not altogether sure what constitutes the "British Values" that our current Government seem keen to promote, sheltering from the rain under a tree, drinking tea and eating cake having just run 5K round the local park must surely be part of it! Not quite the post parkrun picnic that we had hoped for but just goes to prove the one thing you can't rely on is the weather - oh and the stop watches!

Today was not the second anniversary of Dewsbury parkrun that any of us had hoped for due to the rain and the volunteers worse nightmare when the stop watch stopped working, taking everyone's time with it! But on the up side there was cake, a friend's fiftieth parkrun to celebrate (well done SC), and awards! Congratulations to Al who was awarded "2014 Multi-skilled parkrunner of the year" for entertaining us with his post parkrun juggling on sunnier days, and SW for miscounting and running an extra lap one week entitling her to the "2014 furthest distance run in one parkrun" award!

Halfmarathongirl and Fellow Parkrunner were noticeable by their absence and the somewhat damp party wasn't quite the same without them. The first was busy with a family gathering, the later spent the morning going for a swim in the North Sea (and you have the cheek to call me "Crazy Lady"!).

But festivities aside - I ran today, and (timed myself as) three minutes quicker than last week! Perhaps sneaking off behind the greenhouses to do my warm up exercises was worth it after all. My legs felt fine whilst I was running, but my cardiovascular fitness has dropped considerably in the past three weeks and it was a bit of a struggle, especially when running along side a friend who is clearly fitter than me and wanted to talk - I don't consider five minute kilometres conversational pace!

I can feel it in my feet and shins this evening and am unfortunately going to have to get going with the foam roller later, but overall I was pleased with my run, and hey I get to do it all again on Tuesday.

It is a shame that today was a bit of a washout, especially after a couple of glorious Saturday mornings that we've had recently, but that's our so called summer for you.  Sisterofmarthongirl750 has clearly got the right idea and headed off to sunnier climes - thanks for the photo of your toes enjoying the Spanish sun. I think you may have started something here!

M - 682
Distance covered 3.1 miles
Total distance covered  136.8 miles

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