Far more fun that anything involving a bicycle... (Sorry Tour de France fans!)
I'm done with my legs being sore and they are set to get a whole lot worse. After leaving the Biomechanics Man on Thursday armed with my new squats and lunges exercises I hadn't really paid any attention to how many of them I was supposed to be doing. Whilst awaiting the follow up email which would contain a reminder I have be making a token effort at incorporating them into my 'routine' and managed approximately ten squats and two lunges per leg...
Three sets of twenty squats, and two sets of ten repetitions per leg for my lunges, TWICE a day?! It's going to kill me! I'm not sure at what point I signed up for this, all I wanted to do was run - albeit a bit further than I've gone before but this.... this is tantamount to torture! Bring back the tennis ball exercise all is forgiven! For once it is not procrastination when I say I'll start tomorrow - I just need a day to mentally prepare for the challenge ahead!
In the meantime I have spent the day busily finishing my sewing projects and am fairly pleased with the results. What this time last week were a pair of jeans and some left over fabric, are now a pair of cut off shorts... and a peg bag
Donating it as a raffle prize for the Open Garden event that my friend is hosting on my behalf, but may well be making some more in the future if there's any interest?
Have a busy week ahead of me and I'm not sure that I'm organised enough for it to run as smoothly as I'd like, but on the other hand I have at least got a rough idea of what it is I need to do - I'm taking that as a sign of progress.

Lets see who's next! (a photo from Florida perhaps GA?!)
M - 681
Total distance covered 136.8 miles
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