Monday 9 June 2014

Day 50

A fifteenth of the way there!

Part of me can't quite believe it! The time has flown in (compared to the 5x50 challenge which is thankfully now a fading memory).  Yet when I convert this into the equivalent marathon distance I get the disappointing figure of 1.75... a mile and three quarters - is that all?! But perhaps, for just now at least, it's good that there is still a lot of time ahead of me, because the way I feel right now I couldn't even manage to run that far!

I'm gutted that fifty days in I am not reaping the benefits of my running endeavours - instead I'm achy, feeling old and having another 'fat' day! So much for being a wannabe marathon girl... But the beauty of tracking my life over the past seven weeks is that I am now able to write off these current feelings as hormonal and wait for them to pass, whilst trying soooooo hard not to consume my own body weight in chocolate!

I have also reached another milestone (and yes I like the fact that the two coincided!)
one thousand five hundred page views for my blog (smiley face, smiley face, smiley face!). I love the fact that you read in the first place, I love even more that you're sticking with me! Thank you! and a HUGE thank you to  Al for never complaining when I disappear off to write my blog, although come Thursday and the start of the World Cup I think we'll both be glad that I've got something to occupy my time as it'll leave the tele free for football, and for once I might complain about it less! Time to go join him on the settee and enjoy the last three non-football evenings left!

The greenhouse is finally finished after a bit of a rebuild to get the final pane of glass in and it stopped raining long enough this evening to take a photo!  Given what I was saying yesterday glass houses and throwing stones spring to mind....

M - 701
Total Distance Covered  130.6 miles

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