Saturday 31 May 2014

More haste and less speed

A whole new approach to my running?

I did it! I got my trainers back on and ran at parkrun this morning.  I had decided before I went that I wasn't going to try to run as fast as I could, but instead find a pace that I was comfortable running and ease myself back in gently.  There were a few doubters among the pre race group that I would stick to my plan, and I almost changed my mind when it was announced at the start that today was some special PB day and all those clocking a personal best would be entered into a draw for some new shoes, but instead I held fast to my resolve and I'm quite pleased with myself for doing it! For once I seemed to be listening to what my body was telling me and not letting my heart rule my head - although to be fair my legs were screaming RATHER LOUDLY that they really didn't want to be doing this!

I have never quite understood why commercial photographers come out and take pictures of you when you are running large organised races (like last weekend) and then send you a link to your pictures. I get the ones at the finish line - but en route?! Needless to say mine never quite live up to the graceful image of my dreams (although I always look at them just in case) but have never warranted anything more than a quick glance (and a good laugh) to confirm that they haven't miraculously captured a snapshot bearing any resemblance to the girl in my head!

But as my journey from parkrunner to marathon runner continues, I have found a whole new level of interest in these photos as a rare opportunity to witness my running technique! Am I managing to maintain mid foot (as opposed to heel strikes) with my leading leg, and is it landing in alignment with my body as opposed to striding out in front? Time to inspect the photo's - quickly glossing over the facial expressions of despair and exhaustion I looked at my feet only to find my leg sticking out in front of me with my foot at right angles to my leg and my heel well and truly hitting the ground HARD! That would be a 'no' then!

So with this in mind I spent a large part of today's run trying to focus on landing properly on my feet, but I'm not very good at it, and so begins my next challenge of actually trying to sort out my running style (or lack thereof!).

I have a number of friends who are embarking on some hideous 30 day abdominal challenge tomorrow - GOOD LUCK! I was momentarily tempted to join you but have decided I don't need anything else to side track me from what I should be concentrating on...

Instead I have decided to join you in spirit and commit to
1) doing my exercises twice a day as I am supposed to do (foam roller horrid but a million times better than the tennis ball!); and
2) actually doing something about losing that extra half stone of weight that's been on my mind (bum, tum and hips!) since Christmas

Go girls... we can do this!

M - 710
Distance covered                3.1 miles
Total Distance Covered   119.3 miles

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