Thursday 1 May 2014


There are better ways to feel this bad!

3 litres of water - I suppose it was inevitable that a large part of today would be spent going to the loo! What I hadn't banked on (although in hindsight perhaps it too should have been obvious) was the headache that would accompany my sudden increase in water intake.

The closest I've come to detoxing in the past has been a seaweed body wrap at a beauty salon! Covered in some nice smelling mineral rich mud, wrapped in giant cling film and popped under a duvet to cook for half an hour, I have been left to relax to the sound of waves gently crashing on the shore whilst the hard work was done for me.  By comparison this definitely feels like I've drawn the short straw, but it is considerably cheaper!

I've read that the headaches associated with detox usually last a couple of days which doesn't bode well for tomorrow but fingers crossed it will have gone by parkrun!

The response to yesterday's blog about biomechanics has been a text from my friend keen to know more because she thinks it sounds interesting, and a phone call from my sister keen to know more in an attempt to ascertain if I was told a load of mumbo jumbo!

Always with my best interests at heart, my sister has been very patient throughout my many dalliances with alternative therapies, and whilst unquestionably supportive I think it would be fair to say she is somewhat adept at being able to impart her skepticism! This is not helped by the fact that her knowledge of anatomy and physiology is far superior to mine. The result of which is that during conversations like we had today, as I flounder around looking for words to explain what I thought I understood, I end up sounding increasingly like I'm talking rubbish! However whether my pelvis is out of alignment or not, we both agree that anything that tones and strengthens my muscles will be a good thing in the long run! (Besides which I have since been and had a look in the mirror and I can SEE that my legs don't line up - so there!).

It is unfortunate then, that I have struggled to find time to do my new exercises. One of them involves single leg raises held for twenty seconds, three repeats on each leg a grand total of TWO MINUTES!
What have I possibly done with my day that meant I couldn't find time to do these? My only excuse is that they are done sitting down and I've spent most of the day on my feet! Nevertheless I'm cross with myself for not doing them and am full of resolve to do better tomorrow.

On the plus side I now know what is in the freezer and have written a shopping list for the morning! Progress!!

M - 740
Distance covered                 4 miles (walk)
Total distance covered    39.2 miles

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