Sunday 25 May 2014

Heading Home

After a bit more food consumption (like we haven't already eaten enough!)

My plan to post something each day whilst I was away so that the dates would still be in order was foiled by posting too early yesterday morning (because the automatic clock is 8 hours behind!). I wish this didn't bother me, I wish I could have just left it as it was (after all it's possibly only C who will notice) but I can't. So with 5 minutes to spare I copied and reposted my blog and deleted the old one! This has played havoc with my pageview figures, which I have decided is a lesser anomaly to live with but has unfortunately meant the comment (and my reply) to "fellow parkrunner" has disappeared :(
So thank you fellow parkrunner for your words of encouragement and suggestion that I stop worrying and enjoy my run - that may take a bit of work!

I have had the most wonderful weekend and it's not over yet! My legs are a bit tight but MY KNEES ARE OK! In fact if it wasn't for the two inch long line of skin missing from underneath my chest I could forget that our reason for coming to Edinburgh was to run! My over riding memory of the weekend will be chatting, laughing and eating! It is also a treat to spend three days with girls for company! Much as I love all three of my boys (and two male dogs) to bits it's just not the same! Especially when a lifelong desire to go out wearing false eyelashes was realised last night! Be warned Al that I'm bringing them home with me but I'm not sure you'll be as adept as S at attaching them for me!


We're spending the day with a couple of my friends from Uni before heading home tonight.  I won't have wifi once we check out so this is it for today. Time to go squeeze the kitchen sink back in my case, the comments of which have spread across much if the room (sorry H) and head out for brunch!

M - 716
Distance Covered                0 miles
Total Distance Covered  116.2 miles


  1. I didn't even know that you'd replied yesterday! What a shame I missed it, but totally understand your OCD as regards the dates!

  2. It is nice to know I am not alone!
