Friday 16 May 2014

Weight loss

or rather lack of it!

Day Number 26.  A quick look back at my first entry on this blog and I see I was supposed to have spent the last three and a half weeks concentrating on weight loss. Ooops!

I think I started out well but gave up somewhere around my birthday, mainly due to my most favourite present being a butter crock - an ingenious pot ensuring there is fresh spreadable butter available, which in turn means I have been buying bread (lots of it!)

I try to convince myself that this is OK because of all the exercising I am doing, but the scales tell a different story, those irksome few kilogrammes are not going anywhere!

Talking with my friend at the weekend he pointed out the inherent evil with scales in that they don't show the conversion of fat to muscle, and suggested that I should just go by how I feel and not what I weigh... all makes sense, except that when I wake up feeling bloated and twice the size I went to bed, the first thing I do is go and stand on the scales! What am I expecting them to say? I am never going to be pleasantly surprised when I feel like I an inflated balloon! On the contrary (and after mulling it over whilst out with the dogs) it transpires that I what I am doing is looking for confirmation of how badly I have done on my diet (which I already know because it is me who eats the food) so I can berate myself over it.

Not for the first time I think my brain needs rewiring!

Instead of doing anything that might make me feel better I am driven by some strange desire to go looking for things to make me feel worse!

Pulling on my least favourite and most guaranteed muffin top jeans I head to the bathroom mirror for some close scrutiny of my hair and face...

Detox acne still visible - tick
Dark rings from lack of sleep (again) - tick
Grey hairs standing up off my head like I've been on a van der graff generator - tick

Like some strange out of body experience I can see myself doing this yet appear unable to stop! I take H to school, walk the dogs, nip into the supermarket and head home with a fresh loaf of bread!

Several slices of toast later, I decide to take control and be kinder to myself! I change into something much more forgiving (and comfortable) than those horrid jeans, straighten my hair to iron down those pesky greys, write this blog early so I can have an evening off, and make myself a salad for lunch which I shall eat in the garden enjoying the sunshine.

Or at least that's the plan.. the success of which all depends on whether or not I can ignore the blizzard of dandelion seeds that are descending into our garden because (and you may be able to guess what's coming next) we didn't do the weeding in the lane before it was too late and now we will have to weed both the lane AND our garden! (I say 'we'  - I mean Al!)

M - 725
Distance covered                 3 miles (walk)
Total distance covered   94.8 miles

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