Sunday 18 May 2014

Deja vu

But I'm not sure why...

I am a great believer that if you find yourself in a recurrent situation then you have something to learn from it, and only when you have learnt that particular lesson will you be able to move on. But try as I might I have yet to work out why I am not 'allowed' to sleep in on a Sunday morning - Dougal woke me at five again this morning.

This is my favourite time of year, I love the extended daylight hours, but they are not conducive to persuading a two year old English Pointer that it is still time to be in his bed. We have learnt the hard way that the quickest and most effective way to deal with this is to stay downstairs with him (although have succumbed to curling up with him on the sofa as opposed to the floor!).  The fact that he does great cuddles is one of his redeeming features (he needs several!) and it's not long before Sid, Dougal and I are ensconced on the settee to try and get a bit more sleep.

Quite why we then had to be woken up by the alarm on Al's phone that he'd forgotten to switch off is anyone's guess! Perhaps the lesson is to go to bed earlier!

It was another glorious day and instead of running, Al and I decide to do our last five kilometres of the 5x50 challenge by walking the dogs in the woods.

It's over!! I still have to walk the dogs tomorrow but they will be lucky if they get offered more than a trip round the block!  50 days, 50 hours, 319 kilometres (198 miles - yes if I'd worked it out earlier I would have run another two!!) I AM HAVING A DAY OFF!!

Not least because my legs are sore and I'm a little bit concerned that I've developed shin splints, but ice, rest and a visit to the Biomechanics Man before we head to Edinburgh on Friday and I'm hoping I'll be good to run!

The day then just seems to disappear.  The messages coming in from FB friends show days spent cycling, or swimming, or sitting around enjoying the sun, and I just don't know what happened to mine!  I don't feel like I've done anything, yet haven't stopped either.  For once this doesn't bother me, I think I'm just too tired to care!

This morning I became reunited on Facebook with an old friend who lived next door when we were growing up and I haven't spoken to in the best part of 30 years. It is good to be back in touch and enjoy our brief exchange of news and shared memories.

What I wasn't expecting was that he would remember when I was little I used to go to sleep with a toy dog under my chin.  It was a strange little thing, cylindrical with a face at one end and covered in rabbit fur intended to look like the dog from the Magic Roundabout.

It took a while to dawn on me that my life has apparently come full circle and I am back where I started, sleeping with a dog called Dougal....

I'm not sure what the message of this recurrent situation is either!

M - 723
Distance covered                 4 miles (walk)
Total Distance covered  104.8 miles

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