Thursday 29 May 2014

Laid Back...

Not often used to describe me!

I've found today hard.  The enormity of the fundraising task ahead of me is beginning to sink in and if I'm honest I'm not sure how I'm gong to do it.  I got a few 'likes' for my cards on Facebook yesterday (thank you!) but as yet none have sold. Al has told me to be patient - not one of my fortes!

I am enjoying writing my blog.  I had no idea when I started that I would get so much pleasure from it, nor how much time I would spend writing and looking at the viewing stats! I also didn't know that I would be trying to raise so much money for Barnardo's, so far in advance of when I will actually run.

I knew that I was on the edge of something big when I chose to go public with my decision to train for a marathon, but hadn't appreciated how much of my life would be engulfed by it. Instead of just running a bit further each week in an attempt to get marathon fit, I am now committed to writing my daily insight into the life of a would be long distance runner and mother of two, who clearly has too much time on her hands (although I do reserve the right to have time off when I feel the need!) and I have become a fundraiser - or at least I'm trying to!

For the past forty days and nights I have been consumed by what has grown into marathongirl750 and what I am now trying my best to come to terms with is that enjoyable as my blog may be, or however keen my friends are to show their support, it's just not that important to anyone else.  My much loved viewing figures show large fluctuations in the numbers reading which highlights only too clearly that this is vying for space in busy lives.

I am not alone, I've received a huge amount of support, but my expectations of the time frame that I want things to happen in may have to change! I think I need to relax and be a bit more undemanding about it! My cards will sell, there will be people at mine for Afternoon Tea on the 14th. I don't need to start haranguing people about it yet, and I don't need to get disheartened because things haven't happened quite as quickly as I would have liked them to!

My bad mood is abating, I haven't completely lost heart and think I may even have taken tiny steps along the road to being just a little more relaxed (or at least I've acknowledged my need to be!), but the past few days have not been without repercussions...

Al is just back from his guitar lesson and it has been noted that he's tense - can't think why!

M - 712
Total Distance Covered a constant 116.2 miles


  1. First sales are in!!! PM you're a lovely man.... thank you!

  2. I love reading your blog before I go to bed. Don't worry about the cards, I'm sure that you'll sell them, just keep promoting them to remind us of their presence :-)

    1. Thank you fellow parkrunner - I shall try my best to heed your words of wisdom!
